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Premises Liability Attorney

In South Carolina

If you’ve experienced an injury on someone else’s property due to unsafe conditions or negligence, it’s essential to take legal steps to handle the situation appropriately and safeguard your rights to financial compensation.

Thomas Spiro Conits Esq. at Spartan Law is a leading South Carolina attorney for slip and fall accidents, dog bites and animal attacks, injuries due to unsafe working conditions or poor building security, and more. If the responsible party or insurance company won’t play fair, Thomas fights for the compensation you need to cover medical expenses, lost income, and the pain of your injury.

Steps to Take After Your Injury 

1.    Seek Medical Attention
Obtain medical assistance immediately, even if the injury seems minor. Your health is important, and medical records validate your claim by linking the accident to your injury.

2.    Report the Incident
No matter where the incident occurred, whether in a store, restaurant, or neighbor’s home, report it to the owner, landlord, or manager. Ask for a written report, and keep a copy.

3.    Document Everything
Make a precise record of the incident. Include details like how the injury occurred, the time and date, and conditions that contributed to the accident. Photos can also be very helpful.

4.    Contact a Premises Liability Attorney
Finding a South Carolina attorney who understands liability for slip and fall accidents and injuries caused by negligence or unsafe conditions is essential. The right lawyer can build a strong case and assist in negotiating with insurance companies for a fair and just settlement.

Thomas Conits at Spartan Law meets with every client to provide trusted legal advice. He thoroughly reviews each case to ensure the strength of the claim.

Common Causes of Premise Liability Injuries

In South Carolina, premises liability attorneys review injuries occurring on a property and determine the percentage of responsibility. Because of this, you may have a viable case even if you are partially at fault for the accident.

  1. Slip and fall accidents occur when property owners fail to maintain their property, leading to dangerous conditions like wet floors, uneven walkways, or icy sidewalks, causing someone to slip and fall. In South Carolina, attorneys specializing in determining responsibility and liability are necessary for navigating cases in this category.
  2. Inadequate building security can lead to injuries caused by crime or assault—especially in parking lots, apartments, schools, and offices.
  3. A premise liability attorney also handles dog bites and animal attacks. The injuries you’ve received may be the owner’s responsibility.
  4. Construction site and workplace accidents. The business or property owner can be held responsible if workers or visitors are injured due to unsafe conditions.
  5. If a building fire is caused by the negligence of a property or business owner, they may be held liable for injuries and loss of personal items (furniture, clothing, technology, appliances, and more).

Common Types of Premise Liability Injuries

In South Carolina, premise liability attorneys work with individuals who have sustained injuries that impact the victim’s life. Injuries often include:

  • Head, neck, back and spinal injuries
  • Bites, cuts, wounds, requiring stitches and medication
  • Burns, sprains, and injuries that limit mobility
  • Psychological distress resulting in anxiety or depression

A premise liability injury can happen almost anywhere. Call Thomas if you need an attorney for a slip and fall accident, animal attack, or injuries due to poor building security, maintenance, or working conditions. 

Determining Liability

Premise liability injury cases require evidence and documentation to substantiate the claim. Successfully securing compensation for injuries requires an experienced premise liability attorney, as winning a settlement must compensate the victim for past and future medical costs, loss of wages, and other negative impacts on the victim’s life.

Fortunately for South Carolina, the legal system incorporates modified comparative negligence. This rule means an injured person can seek financial compensation even if they are partly at fault. 

Collecting Evidence for Your Case

Every case is unique, and Thomas understands the laws and regulations regarding property ownership and maintenance. When it comes to injuries resulting from a dog bite, unsafe workplace, or slip and fall accident, he’s an attorney who can determine who is at fault and what damages may be due.

As an experienced premises liability attorney, Thomas will work with you to collect the evidence your claim needs. In South Carolina, evidence may include reports from doctors and emergency professionals, medical bills and lost wages, witness testimonies, and photos or videos of the location. 

Negotiating Your Case

Once your evidence is collected, Thomas will begin negotiations for fair compensation. South Carolina law states that the injured party has three years to file a lawsuit if an agreement cannot be reached. As a premises liability attorney in good standing, Thomas can represent you in any South Carolina court. Spartan Law is a no-win, no-pay legal practice, so we only collect a percentage of any settlement compensation we’re able to recover.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the fee for slip and fall accidents?

As an attorney specializing in premise liability, Thomas collects a percentage of your award. There are no hourly fees.

I think I'm partially at fault. Do I still have a case?

You might! Call Thomas for a no-charge consultation to get advice.

What are Thomas' hourly rates?

As a no-win, no-fee premise liability attorney serving South Carolina, Thomas only collects when you win your case.

Who will handle my case?

While other attorneys assign slip and fall cases to junior staff or legal interns, Thomas oversees every client and every case. Thomas is an active, practicing attorney in good standing of the National Association of Premises Liability Lawyers and the South Carolina Lawyers Association.

Thomas Conits background
Schedule A Free Consultation

Make a free call to talk directly with an attorney. Learn about the merits of your case, and never pay a cent until you recover the compensation you deserve.

Thomas Spiro Conits Esq. is your personal injury attorney in South Carolina. Call today.